面白いと思ったアメリカの番組、動画、記事、そして英語のスラング、表現、言い回しなど、普段の生活で為になりそうなことを日本語で書いていきます。I will be writing about funny/interesting videos, articles, good restaurants in Japan, and useful words/sentences in Japanese.

Zumekan, the best stand up bar I know - 立ち飲み屋づめかん

Hi! :D
Today I'm going to write about this GREAT place I know.
It's called Zumekan (づめかん), and it's a really stand up bar.
There are some in Chiba and in Tokyo. I usually go to the one in Motoyawata.




関連ランキング:立ち飲み居酒屋・バー | 本八幡駅京成八幡駅鬼越駅


They have many selection of food. Yakitori, Sashimi, Deep fried stuff, and more!





And the best part is, almost all of them are 100-250 Yen!
They also serve really fast.


My husband and I drink some and eat some, and our total always
comes out to around 3000 Yen, sometimes less!
Seriously, it's actually cheaper to come here for
dinner than buying ingredients to cook for two.
So, if you ever come around Ichikawa area, remember that there is
a place you can go for quick drinks and dinner.
Alright, that's it for today.
Thanks for reading! :D