面白いと思ったアメリカの番組、動画、記事、そして英語のスラング、表現、言い回しなど、普段の生活で為になりそうなことを日本語で書いていきます。I will be writing about funny/interesting videos, articles, good restaurants in Japan, and useful words/sentences in Japanese.

How To Use/Drink Sobayu

Hey guys!
I'm going to talk about Sobayu, a hot water we drink after eating Soba.  




I'm pretty sure that a lot of people doesn't know about it,
so I'm gonna explain what it is and how to use/drink them.
First, Sobayu comes from Yudegama, a huge pot thing
in the kitchen that usually looks like this.


This is the place where the people in the kitchen boils Soba.


Sobayu is a hot water that Sobas were boiled in, and they are usually
served after you finish your Soba, usually in tea pot looking pots like this.


There are also some places that already has Sobayus on all of the tables
in pots like this (so the Sobayus stays hot) as well.


There are some places that servers doesn't serve Sobayus to customers after they
finished their Soba as well, but if you want to drink it, you can always ask
if you could have some :)
The way to drink Sobayu is to pour it into your remaining Soba Tsuyu,
and then drink it. 


NEVER EVER drink Sobayus by themselves! That DOES NOT
taste that good. lol
Sobayus contain a lot of vitamin B1 and some
other minerals, and they are really good for your health.
That's why we drink them :)
Okay that's it for today.
I hope this was helpful :D
Thanks for reading!