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(Asia's Got Talent) TRIQSTAR - AWESOME dance team from Japan



Hey guys!
Well first, I need to talk a little bit about my friend named Kyohei.
I met him several months ago, at a BBQ party at my friend's house.
He's very nice, bright, very smart, and very talented.
Well anyways, he's on a dance team called TRIQSTAR,
which is competing in the TV show called Asia's Got Talent!!
They just finished performing in the finals,
and everyone around the world's able to vote for the contestants now!
I, of course, voted for TRIQSTAR. :)))
Oh, and here are the videos of their performances from Asia's Got Talent:

As you can see in the videos, their stage costumes are very Japanesey,
and all of the the songs they used for their performances has taste of the
traditional Japanese music.
And the way they move! They are simply spectacular.
I really love one of their moves where they turns or moves when their legs
doesn't even look like they're moving! KILLER PERFORMANCE.
The judges seems to LOVE them. :D Yay!
So... If you have facebook and thought this dance team is cool,
let's help TRIQSTAR win this competition by voting!!
Here are the links to the voting page:
From desktop/laptop:
From phone:
Alright, all I gotta do now is to pray for them to WIN!!