面白いと思ったアメリカの番組、動画、記事、そして英語のスラング、表現、言い回しなど、普段の生活で為になりそうなことを日本語で書いていきます。I will be writing about funny/interesting videos, articles, good restaurants in Japan, and useful words/sentences in Japanese.

How To Make Easy Home Made Japanese Pickled Vegetables (Tsukemonos)!



Hey guys!
This is for all those you Tsukemono lovers out there!
(Tsukemono is a traditional Japanese Pickled Vegetables)
There are different kinds of Tsukemonos, but I'm going to show
you how to make home made "Asazukes" today.
It's SUPER EASY, so you can try it whenever you want!
First, you go to a supermarket and get one of these. This is called
Asazuke No Moto, an Asazuke flavored liquid. (Sorry, it's a little hard to explain lol)


If you have trouble finding this at the store, you can get it online :)