面白いと思ったアメリカの番組、動画、記事、そして英語のスラング、表現、言い回しなど、普段の生活で為になりそうなことを日本語で書いていきます。I will be writing about funny/interesting videos, articles, good restaurants in Japan, and useful words/sentences in Japanese.

Komeda's Coffee - A Must Try Coffee Chain Cafe In Japan



Today, I'm going to talk about a really good chain cafe in Japan.
It's called Komeda's Coffee, and this place is just AWESOME.


They started their business in Nagoya, and now they have over
600 stores in Japan.
The food is good, the coffees are pretty good too, and a lot of the tables
and seats are very big and relaxing! It's perfect to do some readings or work.
(Of course, I'm pretty sure it depends on which store you go to, but all of the
Komeda Coffee stores I've been to had a lot of big table! :) )
The best part about this place is, that they serve super fast.
I honestly don't know how they do that. lol
Even if you order just one cup of coffee, or even if you order three things
at once, you'll get what you ordered really quickly! It's amazing.
Let me talk about a few things on their menu.



First, here's something I bet you guys never heard of.
It's called Ogura Toast.


Ogura is like Anko (Anko is the red bean paste
that you see in/on Japanese traditional snacks, such as Manju and Dango),
and this menu was invented in Nagoya a long time ago, where Komeda
coffee started their business.
You put the Ogura onto the toast, and you eat it.
I actually never had Ogura toast before, but a lot of my friends like it.
And next, this is everyone's favorite Shiro Nowaru!


This the most popular dessert from Komeda's Coffee,
and it has a vanilla soft serve and cherry on this light,
Danish pastry-like pastry, with maple syrup on the side.
This thing is super good!! I absolutely LOVE this.
Also, Komeda's Coffee has different kinds of these
Shiro Nowarus sometimes. Here is the picture of the Nowarus from
the winter, the chocolate version (Choco Nowaru) and the caramel
version (Cara Nowaru).


I had the chocolate version, and I even liked it better than the regular one!!


Komeda Coffee also has shaved ice on their menu in the summer time.
The green tea flavor with some Ogura on the side is my favorite.


Those of you who's interested, here is the list of Komeda's Coffee in Tokyo:
They have a large selection of drinks and desserts, and I'm sure you'll love this place!
If you see one, stop by. You won't regret it!
Alright, thanks for reading :)